Friday 27 July 2018

The bumpy ride

The bumpy ride

The wind rushed through her hair as she descended  the mountain at great speed. For most children this would be an exhilarating,even terrifying journey, but for Ruby it was just an ordinary journey to school.

Ruby lived not far from a village that had lots of money but they had a budget of about $1000 a year. They didn’t even have a car and had to travel everywhere by zipline.
Ruby is her name, people describe her as nice and extremely smart. But, how did she get so smart? And this is where the real story begins.

One day, Ruby and her brother Max decided to go down the magic zipline to school. Their school was a terrific treehouse. “Let’s go Max”, Ruby told her brother. As they descended from their house they called out “Bye Mum!’’ They started to head towards the magic zipline, but it wasn’t there! Ruby and Max exclaimed “holy poop a maloy! Where has it gone?!” They ran back home as fast as they could. “Muuuuum’’ yelled Ruby, “our zipline is gone!” Mum told the kids “no, your step dad Hamish replaced the zipline”. “What!?” said Max. “It’s now on the left, not the right” Mum said. “Ok, bye Mum we are late for school”, the kids called out. Wrapping her brother in a big old brown bag, the two children zoomed down the zipline towards their school.that the secret how she got so smart. Hope you enjoy..

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